Last Thursday, several members of the First Book staff went to see the highly anticipated documentary Waiting for “Superman.” First Book is excited to have worked with Paramount Pictures, Participant Media and Walden Media on the film. From “An Inconvenient Truth” director Davis Guggenheim, the film is a provocative and cogent examination of the crisis of public education in the United States told through multiple interlocking stories – from a handful of students and their families whose futures hang in the balance, to the educators and reformers trying to find real and lasting solutions within a dysfunctional system. Guggenheim reveals the invisible forces that have held true education reform back for decades.
The viewing itself was powerful – there was definitely some sniffling in the audience, and some moments of both righteous anger and heartwarming hope provided by the moving story that the film told. And the film was just the beginning – after seeing the film, we gathered around to discuss our impressions, and while each of us took something separate from the issues raised, one thing was abundantly clear – the movie got us talking, got us motivated, and got us thinking about education reform. Whether you are a parent, work in education, or are simply a citizen concerned about the state of children across the country, the film is a powerful reminder of the need to ensure that we are providing the best possible education at every stage of our children’s lives.
To learn more about Waiting For “Superman” and how you can take action to improve America’s schools please visit:
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